Brooch Bouquets

A Simple Flower all that is needed to start creating one of these truly gorgeous and unique bouquets. 

My first bud has bloomed and a stem has been created to become part of my first bouquet.  This single stem may seem small and all alone at the moment, but new flowers are being formed, from once very much loved brooches and vintage pieces to form a bouquet that will last you a lifetime.

All bouquets can be customised to match a particular theme or colour and this can be done by the colours in the bouquet or by the ribbon used to complete the bouquet - want feathers I can add these or even add fresh flowers into your bouquet.  I can also create bouquets using sentimental items of your own such as a necklace, a brooch, ring, pendant, war medal or cap badge can be added to create a wonderful personalised memory bouquet, this is a special and lovely way to keep a lost loved one close to you on your day.

Why not use your bouquet as a topper on your cake ??

Whichever option you decide, your bouquet will be remembered, loved and cherished for many years to come.  Your bouquet can also be handed down to your children on their wedding day making this bouquet truly a lasting loving memory x